Answered by: Rob W, an Insurance Loft advisor.
Answer provided by Brian C., an Insurance Loft life insurance expert.
How does hail affect my auto insurance rates?
Does my car insurance cover me if I decide to rent a car on vacation?
What has completed operations coverage?
Our advisor, John C., details what completed operations coverage means for your business.
Newly released data from the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reflected a 6.6% increase in car theft across the United States as almost 800,000 vehicles were taken from their owners in 2016.
When it’s time to buy a new car, we all have our own ideas about what makes it the right fit. Some of us want more legroom, while others want more cargo space. Then there are those who merely want a killer sound system and great rims.
Cyber threats are real. Below we have listed out four major reasons that small business need to incorporate cyber protection into their commercial insurance plan. Four reasons why cyber coverage is essential.
It's every landlord's greatest fear: The problem tenant. The one who swears he'll have the two months' rent he owes next week. The one who makes unauthorized changes to the property, then tries to credit the cost against the rent. The one who causes significant damage. At some point, their landlords decide to evict them.
With recent advances in both technology and the internet, even more people are running home-based businesses, full-time or part-time. But will your homeowner's policy cover the risks of a home-based business? In nearly every case, the answer is no.